G’day How’s it goin?
I don’t suppose you blokes want to come over for a barbie and bikkie this arvo? No need to BYO I’ll supply the plonk? And don’t forget to bring your togs and sunnies because its gonna be hot.
I’m Stralyian mate.
Any idea what I just said? The uniquely Australian vernacular is what makes Australia one of the friendliest countries in the world. Visitors to this wonderful country continue to be bedazzled by the unique way in which Australians have of communicating.
It all started way back in the late 1700’s when convicts arrived on the shores of New South Wales (Australia) sporting several different dialects. Over time and in order to better understand each other, the Australian accent originated. Over the next 200 years and in typical Australian laid back fashion, and clearly in order to save time, Australian slang evolved.
Like a tea or coffee, that would be a cuppa.
Need to keep your drinks cool at a “Barbie”. You need an Esky.
Would you like a Sanger and a Schooner, that would be a sandwich and a glass of beer.

Old Australia tourism campaign
Travel, 25 Feb 2006
Paul Hogan
And of course don’t be caught at the beach without your sunnies and boardies. That would be your sunglasses and swimming costume. Of course you could also take your Budgie Smugglers to the beach as well. Think tight fitting men’s swimming costume.
Australian’s warm and welcoming persona has visitor numbers from North America and England at record highs. Free from other issues effecting parts of Europe at the moment, Australia’s isolation, once deemed as a road block to visit, is now attracting record numbers. Carriers have increased services to reflect demand and a record number of new carriers are now entering Australian airspace as well. Making it easier than ever to travel the distance.
Be prepared upon arrival to be welcomed with open arms. Australian’s love Americans and English. Despite the obvious cultural differences, Americans and English hold very similar values to Australians, although the Australian dry sense of humour is often lost in translation.
To help you navigate your way around the Australian vernacular here are some great tips.
2. When you walk into a cafe, ask for a flat white when ordering your coffee
3. When you walk into a pub, ask for a Schooner of VB when ordering your beer
4. If you want to make conversation with locals in said pub, you could ask them about the footy
5.To make more conversation in said pub you could offer to shout the next round
6. And lastly don’t ask anyone to hold your fanny pack when going to the toilette
Looking for a safe and friendly destination to visit? With a low crime rate and a friendly and laid back population Australia is perfect for couples, families and groups of friends. You can experience anything including urban, adventure, food and wine, diving, outback and more. All the while knowing you are in a big friendly country.
So what are you waiting for? Chuck on ya sunnies and thongs and get on your way!